Jonas Verbeke joins arabel as Product Development Engineer

Introducing our new Product Development Engineer
Powering Airfield Lights: The Critical Role of Transformers

Powering up airfields
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!
Introducing Sanne Brasser to the arabel-marina family.

Sanne Brasser, our new Sales Executive
The Safety and Versatility of Toroidal Transformers in Industrial Applications

Why have Toroidal Transformers established themselves as a preferred choice in various industrial applications?
arabel marina: Our ambition? To be the preferred partner of every marina because of our strong service offering.

At arabel, we understand how important good after-sales are.
arabel recently spoke with Erik Winderickx, R&D Manager at arabel

The role and challenges within Research & Development at arabel
arabel and railways: Together for More Energy-Efficient Railway Signalization

arabel collaborates with railway companies to innovate
arabel and Medisoft: Collaborating for Safety and Efficiency

How arabel helps medical devices companies with its medical transformers.
Legionella. What marinas can do to prevent legionella from ruining travelers yachting trip?

Our tips that can help yachting harbors or marinas prevent the spread of Legionella.